Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Decemberists

Romance/Romantic drama genre could be anything. It doesn't have to be a novel or a movie. A band named "The Decemberists" are especially known for having stories in their songs. Every single song written by Colin Meloy (singer/song writer) has some sort of a plot to it, so one particular, three part song comes in mind when thinking about the romantic genre. The songs are called; "Crane Wife 1 and 2" and "Crane Wife 3", from the "Crane Wife" album. The first two parts of the song talk about how the character of the song and his wife met, how they fell in love and got married (romantic part), and then the third part of the song tells the story of how they broke up (the dramatic part).

I have linked to a page where all the bands lyrics are posted, so you could take a look at it for yourself. Keep in mind that this song isn't the only "romantic/dramatic" song written by this band. I have been listening to these guys for quite some time and I really urge everyone to check them out, I understand that this type of music might not please everyone but maybe some of you will like it.

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