Sunday, September 17, 2006

Just Another Kong Fu Movie

As a kid I grew up watching Marshall Art movies. Whether it was "The karate Kid","Mortal combat" or any one of Jacke Chans movies I had to watch them. I could safely say that I have seen good martial arts movies but also allot of bad ones. When "Ong Bak" came out you could be sure that I sow it. The movie was simple and even though it was not one of those big budget movie I liked it. Sadly I could no say the same thing about the "The Protector".

First of all I did not even take the time to see The "The Protecor". Why should I when I hear that it has the same basic plot as "Ong Bak"? I would rather watch "Ong Bak" again then go out and see another version of it. The original movies are always better.

"If the story of Ong Bak was "Hey, you stole my Buddha statue," the story of The Protector is "Hey, you stole my elephants." "
-Don Willmot-

For more on the movie please click on the link bellow:


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