Monday, December 04, 2006
The Exorcist
Sunday, December 03, 2006
"From Dusk Till Dawn"......Hilarious???
"Others will find it hilarious, as all the naughty bits are in good humour."
-Ryan Cracknell-
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Cheesy horror movie?
Accordning to the article: "In Shaun, we're laughing with the director. I won't pretend that Shaun of the Dead is the be-all and end-all of horror comedies. It has plenty of problems, not the least of which is that the horror elements are largely unconvincing (although there is plenty of gore). "
You decide.
The Lifeless Omen
" Sure there are some subtle tweaks here and minor changes there, but overall if you've seen "The Omen" circa 76 then version 06 isn't just not very scary, it's actually pretty darn boring, too." -Sara Michelle Fetters-
Shaun of the Dead -- horrible movie.
The Article.
Is it really this bad?
the article says: "The main problem with Shaun of the Dead is it has major identity
conflict. It doesn't know what it wants to be."
What do you think?
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Moody 'Grudge' puts a twist on traditional ghost tales
"The humans are as blank as the ghosts, mere figures to be preyed upon, and the film is less a story than a mood piece, but it features some of the most unnerving imagery and soundscapes to be found on the screen and it puts a twist on one of the most steadfast traditions of American ghost stories."
-"There is no "why" in "The Grudge," at least not an explanation that provides comfort or cure. It simply is. That's what makes it really scary."
If stupidity were a crime, the nitwits in the cheap horror flick "Turistas" would be doing time in Attica. -Manohla Dargis-New York Times
Review: More dutifully depraved gore porn, minus the more intriguing twists of the first two flicks
This review, posted by Brent Simon, basically discusses the fact that the franchise of this movie is ready to go, based on the fact that the third part of this blood bath manages to stur up some more guts, and thats about it. He also discusses the fact that this movie is doing the exact opposite that it set out to do.
'When we first met him, Jigsaw was a malevolent voyeur bent on "testing the fabric of human existence," as he put it in the first two movies. With Saw III, he's now devolved to the point where he's testing those who are "dead inside" and "a shell of [their] former self,"'
Overall, his opinion is a negative one, but maybe you guys disagree.
"The movie quickens one's pulse with maybe two of its torturous sequences, and the general grotesquerie and gonzo gore (Lynn performs a graphic, ad lib operation on Jigsaw to relieve the swelling of his brain, leading to some hot drill-on-skull action) will satisfy a suitable swath of devoted genre fans. Mostly, though, Saw III evinces the feel of a franchise ready to be put out of its misery — much like Jigsaw himself"
Romantic Comedy, Fart Jokes, and Zombies
"The Devil's Rejects: A Reject Indeed"
"With a larger budget comes the sequel, “The Devil’s Rejects,” which contains better effects and a hipper soundtrack, but the result remains the same: absolutely unwatchable trash."
Is "Hellraiser" going down the hill?
"The last "Hellraiser" movie to fill multiplexes was "Hellraiser 4: Bloodline", and it's been downhill since. Enter Rick Bota, a former special effects man who apparently loves the franchise so much he's already directed not one, but three sequels (parts 6, 7, and 8, to be precise). The guy must either love this franchise to death or he really needs the work. Judging by the quality that Bota has managed in the last two sequels, I'm inclined to believe it's the first."
Read at your own risk... im kiddin, Horror reviews
Here's the link everyone ~
More Sin City / noir
Grease: An Energetic Upbeat Musical
"A fun-loving, energetic and innocent look back at times much simpler. This movie effectively juggles a thin romantic story line and the overall experience of the 1950's, with a superb soundtrack and some great dance numbers. Admittedly, I am somewhat biased in this opinion, since this film blasts me into my past as a rebellious youth (GREASE was one of Schmoe's first big-screen experiences, and every other scene sends me reeling into the times of my elaborate GREASE bubble-gum card collection), and the lesser responsibilities that I possessed at that time. But apart from the nostalgic vibe, I was still extremely impressed by this film, as it continued to amuse me, despite my previous dozen or so viewings."
Is "Grease" really a innocent look back at old times?
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
All Horror Movies
This horror site lets you read many horror movie reviews varying from all different plots. On this particular site you can search for horror movie DVDs, horror movie videos, horror movie soundtracks, horror movie posters, and horror books. There is also a special feature on this site that gives you the option to purchase the DVD from any review you read. Here, you can find even the most recent of horror film reviews. Such as the Hills have eyes. This hsould help everyone on their upcoming persuasive papers.
SIN CITY / noir
Top 50 Best Voted Horror Films Shaun of the Dead #29
xXx, James Bond Wanna Be.
Pumpkin a Comedy?
David Levine stresses his discontent with Pumpkin the film and says that he actually finds it offensive. I am not sure how I feel about the film persay, but he has some very well supported points throughout his critic.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A Romance Review
This romance review site has an unbelievable amount of reviews. It almost seems like they have everything. Even for the month of November, this site contains 113 new reviews in their database.....all for you.
"is proud to present
online reviews in our database for you to search/read and enjoy."
Just click on the review you want and it will tell you all about what you need to know, it will tell you who the author is, when it came out, and it's very own personal rating. If you love romance, this site is definitely for you.
So whats so great about Romance?
The argument is basically based off one person believing that Romance films any more or less cliched, predictable or time wasting than other types of films such as action.
Blade Runner, the best sci-fi movie ever?
Persuasive Writing On Romance
Romance and Sci Fi Review Blog
Monday, November 27, 2006
Romance: Save the Last Dance
Monday, November 20, 2006
One of the Best Sci-fi movies?
"So I saw the Matrix last night. It was un-freaking-believeable. One of the best sci-fi flicks I've ever seen. I was thinking about it in comparison to Blade Runner. I like Blade Runner, both the original and the director's cut, but I've never really been sure why I liked it."
He goes on to later say;"...but I just don't think it's a great sci-fi movie."
This brings up a question. Is Blade Runner a better sci-fi moive than The Matrix?
There are other very opinionated reviews in this page.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
A Brief History of Zombies.
The Fort Dearborn Massacre
Perhaps one of the most brutal events in all of Chicago history took place when the city was only beginning. The terrible incident has become known as the Fort Dearborn Massacre and memories of it still linger in the city today.
Chicago began as nothing but empty wilderness and open prairie. It first appeared on maps of the region in 1684 as “Chekagou”, which literally means “wild onion”. Despite these inauspicious beginnings, it became home to a trading post owned by Jean Baptist Point du Sable, a French Canadian trapper in 1779. He stayed along the Chicago River until 1800, before selling the establishment to Jean Lalime. As American’s spread further west, there was talk of a military garrison being established at Chicago as early as 1795. It finally came about in 1803 under the command of Captain John Whistler. He brought with him 40 men and they built Fort Dearborn. This is where the tragedy begins.
Very interesting story, check it out.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Haunted Restaurant
America's 1st Serial Killer
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Zombie Movies
This link will give an explanation of the different types of zombies and where the idea for these zombies came from. The link also provides you with more external links about zombies.
Haunted Chicago
Here is a link giving examples of some haunted places in Chicago.
Bachelor's Grove Woods
Early gangs, such as that of Al Capone are rumored to have buried the bodies of their dead in the lake that you can see on the south side of 143rd street, just east of Ridgeland.
This site has more information about the history and actual reports of paranormal activity in and near Bachelor's Grove.
What do you guys think?
Monday, November 13, 2006
Chicago Ghost Investigations
"Our paranormal investigators will be available during the investigation for guidance; however, in this case, you are the ghost hunter!"
What is and What is not a Zombie
Here is a site that explains a little about what zombies are and then talks about what they are commonly mistaken with.
Haunted Chicago Tours
Here is a link to the organizations site, if are ever interested in taking this type of tour.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Who loves ghost stories and haunted places?
And thats not all either, the webpage is loaded with spooky music! Who doesn't love spooky music?
In the link provided, it goes on about zombies and a small list of common causes for zombies to appear. Then, after that, it talks about the characteristics that zombies usually portray within a zombie film.
A pretty decient link for those who don't know too much about zombies... Though im sure everyone knows at least one thing or another..
"The Most Haunted Place"?
"Over 1,900 people snagged a ticket for the performance in the "absolutely fireproof" building. What irony in those words."
The theatre, not far from the university, is located at 24 W. Randolph Street. The site has a good video of the story. Enjoy.
Haunted Chicago
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Resurrection Mary
8 Films to Die For
Each year there are movies produced, that are never seen by the public. Their content is considered too graphic, too disturbing, and too shocking for general audiences. Now, for the first time, one studio will defy the system to bring you eight movies you were never meant to see. A terrifying event for all horror fans across
Addison | Addison Cinemas & IMAX | Buy Tickets |
Carbondale | University Place 8 | |
Champaign | Carmike Beverly Cinemas | |
Chicago | Chatham 14 | |
Chicago | 600 North Michigan Ave. | Buy Tickets |
Chicago | KrikorianCity North 14 | |
Chicago Heights | Marcus Chicago Western Heights | Buy Tickets |
County Club Hills | The Country Club Hills 16 | |
Gurnee | Gurnee Mills 20 | Buy Tickets |
Joliet | Cinemark Movies 8 | |
Naperville | Krikorian Showplace 16 | |
Niles | Krikorian Showplace 12 | |
O'Fallon | O'Fallon 15 Cine | |
Peoria | Rave Grand Prairie 18 | Buy Tickets |
Rockford | Krikorian Colonial Villages 5 | |
Schaumburg | Woodfield 20 | Buy Tickets |
Skokie | Village Crossing | Buy Tickets |
South Barrington | South Barrington 30 | Buy Tickets |
Springfield | Parkway point 8 | |
Vernon Hills | Rivertree Court | |
Warrenville | Cantera 30 | Buy Tickets |
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tips to Write a Screenplay
I thought this was very helpful and direct. I looked at it as a guide when thinking up ideas for our screenplay. I found it on a "how-to" website.
Here's How:
1. Writing is about making choices. Decide if you want to write an original screenplay or an adaptation of an existing novel or piece of non-fiction. Original work is easiest to start with since you don't have to worry about obtaining rights.
2. 2. Brainstorm. Write down all your ideas for story and characters.
3. Do research. Rent successful indie films (you can find them on the's Independent film Web site) and pay attention to the rhythms of the dialogue and the pacing of the story.
4. Start writing. Remember to keep things interesting and open to interpretation. This will make the screenplay more tempting to serious actors.
5. With every twist of plot or turn in the action ask yourself, 'Would this character really do that?' Audiences like surprises, but only if they're believable.
6. If this is your first film and you're planning on directing and producing it yourself, keep things low budget. Elaborate costumes, special effects, and exotic locations are expensive.
7. Keep in mind that the people you already know can make great actors. Write flattering, yet challenging roles with them specifically in mind, and they may work for free.
8. Include all the swear words and nudity you want, but don't make them gratuitous. [i]The Blair With Project[/i] was conisderably weakened by its constant use of the F_ word.
9. Don't worry about length. Post-production editing will take care of that.
10. Be funny, scary, romantic, angry, sentimental, smart, raw, and, most important, honest.
11. Don't include a happy ending just for the sake of a happy ending. This isn't a studio picture you're writing
1. You can overhear great non sequiturs and bits of dialogues in coffee shops and diners.
2. Using an old manual typewriter might seem like a great idea, but it's a lot of work.
3. Go online and download scripts. You can learn from your favorites
Tips for All You Screen Writers Out THERE
When a screenplay is submitted into the marketplace, those who will be reading it fully expect it to conform to proper industry standards.
Therefore, it is important for a budding screenwriter to understand the techniques of screenwriting, from formatting to character development, before committing his/her story idea to paper. In the link below are a few books, suggestions and websites that will help you learn the craft.
AHHHHH.........Haunted Highway and the Grimes sisters.

This story is about an unsolved mystery of two young sisters. These sisters were last seen a few days after Christmas in 1956. They were very big Elvis fans and had gone to see his film "Love Me Tender" again. Their mother had expected them home around 11:45 pm but they never came home. Some say that the girls ran away but their mother did not believe it. The girls were found 25 days later dead and frozen along Devil's Creek. Click the link to read the entire story.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Screenwriting For English 160 Students
In actuality, the link below will lead you to screenwriting heaven. There is nothing that this site dose not provied. In fact there are tips for writing genres,pitching a story,and even advice on the tittle.So, if anyone is stock, I strongly recomend taking a look at this site.
Monday, November 06, 2006
"How to Write a Screenplay"
"There is always something at stake in a good movie. Not just something someone wants, something that must be acquired, no matter what the risk, as in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Or something highly desired by as many main characters as possible, like the small black statue in The Maltese Falcon. Some times it can be an intangible thing, like the freedom of a people in Lawrence of Arabia or Gandhi. All these things drive the character's quest, even gives the hero superhuman strength. It can be something personal (romance) or for the good of all (saving the world from aliens) but it must be powerful and grow more desperate as the story unfolds."
More info in the link below
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Screenwriting Tips for Playwrights
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Preparing a Pitch
"Pitching a script is an art form, and although it can be stressful, it's something every writer has to perfect before approaching executives or agents. So what is pitching exactly?"
There is another related article found at the end of this one that can help set up your story. It deals with writing the first act of your screenplay.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The Basics of Screenwriting
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tips for Screenwriters
Pitch Letters and Proposals
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sharks and Structure
Sunday, October 29, 2006
A Disibility Doesn't Mean You're Asexual
People with physical disabilities are stereotyped as asexual, as lacking the same sexual and relationship needs and desires as nondisabled people. Yet people with disabilities are human beings, created in the image of God, and thus are sexual beings with the same capacity to love and be loved as any other human. In this article, the author discusses the sexuality and heterosexual experiences of adults with various physical disabilities.
Love Has No Limitations
I found a cute little article on an older couple that has fallen in love despite the obstacles they face involving their mental disabilities. Take a look, its cute. =)
Love has no limitations, especially at this time of the year. This is true for everyone including people with developmental disabilities.
Experts say that only a small percentage of couples with developmental disabilities get married and have successful relationships. However, one local couple shows us that they have found love despite their disability.
"I love you Bernard, I do, from the top of my head to the soul of my feet," said Shell.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Mental Disabilities and the Media
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Ringer
The link below lists links to different reviews of the movie.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sex and Disabilities
Here is a site that talks a little about sexual education for disabled teenagers. How parents shouldn't be overprotective and how they should educate their kids as if they were normal.
Sex Education for Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally Challenged Youth
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A Walk In Her Shoes
Victoria Lucas shears her struggles and how she found love. Proving to all that there is someone out there for every one.
"Like most teenage girls, I wanted to fit in with the crowd and be like everyone else. I wanted to date boys and gossip with friends about which ones I fancied the most. I wanted to feel the excitement of getting a Valentine's card and trying to guess who it was from. But it just didn't happen. I was the one who didn't get a card."
-Victoria Lucas-
Romance and Disabilities
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
A Walk to Remember
The movie revolves around the lives of two very different Beaufort High School teenagers: the daughter of a Baptist Minister, Jamie Sullivan and a jaded, aimless high school senior, Landon Carter.
When a prank on a fellow high-school student goes wrong, Landon is punished with mandatory participation in various after-school activities, such as tutoring to younger disadvantaged children at their sister school and acting in the drama club's final production, the spring play. At these functions he is forced to interact with Jamie Sullivan, but does not befriend her immediately. When Landon realizes that he needs help learning his lines for the production, he asks Jamie to assist him. She agrees to help him if he promises not to fall in love with her, to which he responds by saying, "That's not a problem."
Eventually, Landon is intrigued by Jamie's positive attitude, forgiving nature, and overwhelming faith.Landon falls in love with Jamie even though she had previously told him not to. Jamie finally tells Landon that she has terminal leukemia and has stopped responding to treatments. As Jamie is hospitalized, Landon fulfills various wishes on Jamie's "Before I Die" list, such as build her a telescope so she can see a comet. Through this process, Landon and Jamie learn more about nature and love. The movie ends with Jamie's death, but only after the couple are married in the same chapel as was Jamie's deceased mother, the event that topped Jamie's wish list. Landon himself becomes a better person through Jamie's memory, achieving the goals that he set out to do, like she did.
Although Landon knows Jamie will die, he still chooses to love her and get hurt rather than leave her. This is what true love is about, sacrifice.
Attached is a link to one of my favorite clips of "A Walk to Remember".
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The Decemberists
I have linked to a page where all the bands lyrics are posted, so you could take a look at it for yourself. Keep in mind that this song isn't the only "romantic/dramatic" song written by this band. I have been listening to these guys for quite some time and I really urge everyone to check them out, I understand that this type of music might not please everyone but maybe some of you will like it.
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Science of Sleep
The Science of Sleep is a great movie by director, Michael Gondry (Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind). The movie is somewhat of a foreign flick. It is mostly English, partially French and somewhat Spanish. The movie is centered around Stephane and his inability to keep his dreams out of his waking life and the trouble it gets him into with love interest Stephanie.
Here is a site with all you need to know about The Science of Sleep.
If you are into creative movies, go see it.
Here is the trailer of the film.
If you happen to check it out, let me know what you think, because the ending was slightly unclear to me.
The Spaghetti Scene
Check out the link to view the clip.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The Top Romance Films
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Bite the Curb
The movie is based on a small group of neo-Nazis in the late 80's-early 90's. It is about two brothers who share similar values. In the beginning of the film, we see Derek Vinyard spot two black men attempting to steal his car. He goes outside to take care of it by shooting one of the men and having the other "bite the curb."
Here is a site that has everything you need to know about the film. Check it out and enjoy
Keep in mind that this film is centered around racism, particularly towards black and Jewish people.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
'Hostel' is rated R for brutal scenes of torture and violence, it also included strong sexual content, language and drug use. This is a very graphic film. I would not recomend anyone with a weak stomach to watch it. Quentin Tarentino is a perfect example of a director who likes violence. It seems that many Tarentino films have graphic violence in them. A few other examples of Tarentino violence is 'Sin City' and 'Kill Bill" Violence and torture films are NOT my favorite!
Violence on TV
The page then goes on explaining why exactly shows contain violence. The main reason seems to be because of promotion. With violence in a show, the watchers want to keep watching the show now that the suspense is built up.
Things have been designed to censor tv violence. This includes the V-Chip and a system of ratings that let parents know how "violent" a show is.
The Link below will tell all about the different researches that took place, and go into detail about tv violence and the fixes for it.
Movie Ratings
Friday, September 29, 2006
From Hell (Warning...Violent)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Film NOIR, Film NOIR, whats a film NOIR?!
If you look to the left, that is the private eye. He forgot his trench coat but thats ok. He has his voluptuous woman on his arm and his gun in hand. If you look closely, a shadow/silhouette of his enemy is in the background.
To the right is a picture of a good private eye. He dutifully has his trench coat, his magnifying glass, his pipe, and of course his little matching hat.
Now here is my vixen. Va, va, va voom.
Here is another, only she is a red head. ~~~~>
Film Noir
Monday, September 25, 2006
Watch Your Back
"Soccer sometimes gets exciting, but this fan makes soccer look more like the UFC."
This site also shows various fight, shocking, painful, and funny clips. There's also games, jokes, and pictures. At this particular site, there is something for everybody.
Here is a site that talks about the crime story type of noir films, and also give a little history as well.
Violent films on children.
"The National Committee on the causes and prevention of violence reported in 1969 that violence in the media had a negative effect on children. Violent films encourage violent forms of behavior and promotes violence in daily life as being acceptable. Professor Malamuth, chairman of communications studies at the University of California and Professor Edward Donnerstein, a psychologist at the Center for Communications Research at the University of Wisconsin, have both conducted studies that suggest viewers of media violence are detrimentally affected."
So kids, don't try this at home...really.
For more information, go to:
Sunday, September 24, 2006
"Film Noir"
...Very often, a film noir story was developed around a cynical, hard-hearted, disillusioned male character who encountered a beautiful but promiscuous, amoral, double-dealing and seductive femme fatale..."
I hope this following link will better your understanding of what "film noir" really means, I know it helped me.
Film Noir
Understanding Film Noir
One new thing that I learned from here is that "noir" actually means "black" in French. So really, film noir stands for "black film."
For a list of film examples that fall into the film noir genre, this page is also a great resource to look at..
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Film Noir?
Film Noir vs Sci-Fi
Film Noir- shadowy, pessimistic movie: a cinematic genre popular in the 1940s and 1950s, often filmed in urban settings with extensive use of shadows, cynical in outlook, and featuring antiheroes. Definition courtesy of msn encarta:
Sci-Fi- fiction based on futuristic science: a form of fiction, usually set in the future, that deals with imaginary scientific and technological developments and contact with other worlds.
Definition courtesy of msn encarta:
Like i said, its not much, but i do think that these definitions manage to deliver a solid idea of what we should be looking for as far as determining what genre the movie "Blade Runner" falls under.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Catwomen: A Bust
A shy woman, endowed with the speed, reflexes, and senses of a cat, walks a thin line between criminal and hero, even as a detective doggedly pursues her, fascinated by both of her personas. "Catwoman" is a movie about Halle Berry's beauty, sex appeal, figure, eyes, lips and costume design. It gets those right. Everything else is secondary, except for the plot, which is terrible. What a dissapointment. The filmmakers have given great thought to photographing Berry, who looks fabulous, and little thought to providing her with a strong character, story, supporting characters or action sequences.
The Black Dahlia

Reading different reviews anout this movie gave me mixed feeling about it. Many people loved the movie and thought it to be a classic. "Like De Palma's previous films, "The Black Dahlia" is absolutely gorgeous, while avoiding modern filmmaking techniques and camera angles to further enhance the illusion." written by Edward Douglas. But others I have not seen the movie, but the previews caught my attention. The movie was based on the novel written by James Ellroy. “The Black Dahlia” is a real-life unsolved murder story of an actress wannabe Elizabeth Short, played by Mia Kirshner. The movie is filled with an all-star cast including Scarlett Johansson, Hilary Swank, and Josh Hartnett. The following link gives more details...
The Pianist

The Pianist is a movie based on an autobiography of a Polish Jewish radio musician, Wladyslaw Szpilman, played by Adrien Brody. It tells the story of his struggle and journey through the Holocaust. This is a very emotional movie and is not an easy one to watch. "It is never easy to watch people suffer and die without even the glimmer of hope, which makes it extraordinary that Polanski, another Polish Jew who survived, has been able to bring Szpilman's detachment to the screen." as said by Manohla Dargis, Seattle Times Staff Writer
The Blair Witch Project
Four Brothers
Monday, September 18, 2006
Six Women In A Cave
Remember the last time you just so happen to get trapped in a cave? These six women decide one day to just go cave-diving. Sure why not, we have nothing else to do. Once they get inside the cave they cannot get out. How ironic. They end up yelling and fighting with each other until some crazy-looking cave monster tears their bodies apart and eats most of them. These are the best parts of the movie. Oh yeah, one of the women kills one of her friends. Maybe it was her way of saying that this escapade was a bad idea.
The Matrix Has You!

This is a review of the original philosophic, science-fiction, action movie "The Matrix" which opened in 1999 and has blown the minds of movie enthusiasts ever since. The plot involves Neo (Keanu Reeves) a mild mannered computer programmer who hates his job, apartment and his life. But their is another side to Neo. He is also a brilliant hacker wanted for almost every computer crime. As fate would have it Neo discovers something terrible. The world he knows, the world he has grown up in and come to accept has all been fake. An artificial representation of how the world used to be. The real world has been taken over by super-intelligent machines which harvest human beings like crops. The entire population is kept in a sub-conscience, dream-like state "jacked in" to a system known as "The Matrix" to keep the populace under complete control.
The Matrix Roger Ebert explains "uses flawlessly integrated special effects and animation to visualize regions of cyberspace. It creates fearsome creatures, including mechanical octopi. It morphs bodies with the abandon of "Terminator II." It uses f/x to allow Neo to run horizontally on walls, and hang in the air long enough to deliver karate kicks. It has leaps through space, thrilling sequences involving fights on rooftops, helicopter rescues and battles over mind control."
A great movie, a slightly unconventional review by Roger Ebert but a professional and insightful analysis nonetheless.
Roger Ebert reviews The Matrix
These guys do the killing for us!
Smecker arrives at every crime scene, almost perfectly describing the actions taken by the irishmen, while the two men hunt other mobsters.
The movie introduces questions on certain issues, especially the question of morality, which can only be answered by the viewer. These questions include: is it alright if these guys are killing murderers, rapists, and other sorts of criminals? Should they be charged for murder themselves? Is it right for these two guys to play God, and decide who lives and who doesn't?
According to critic Kevin Carr, "The real magic of “The Boondock Saints” is that it taps into everyone’s secret desire for vigilantism. Who hasn’t thought of how great it would be to just mow down gangsters in a rain of machine gun bullets? Can anyone really grieve the death of murderers? "
For more reviews on The Boondock Saints, go to
Rudy... Reviewed By Roger Ebert
"...Rudy persists. And although his story reads, in outline, like an anthology of cliches from countless old rags-to-riches sports movies, "Rudy" persists, too. It has a freshness and an earnestness that gets us involved, and by the end of the film we accept Rudy's dream as more than simply sports sentiment. It's a small but powerful illustration of the human spirit," Says Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun Times. Rudy is about someone who will stop at nothing to beat the odds, and come out victorious in his quest to achieve his lifetime goal, to prove everyone who has ever doubted him wrong.

Sunday, September 17, 2006
American History X
It is a really good movie. There is never a dull scene throughout the film. This movie has a little bit of everything including drama, action, gore, and suspense.
Remember the Titans
You Can't Measure Love
"The Notebook" is a sentimental fantasy, but such fantasies are not harmful; we tell ourselves stories every day, to make life more bearable."
The Notebook is a great movie to watch if you are in the "Love" mood. Though it may not appeal to most guys there have been guys to admit that is movie was a good movie.
To See the review by Roger Ebert click the link below.
War Of the Worlds
Claustrophobic's Worst Nightmare!
If you are claustrophobic this is the wrong movie to watch! During many scenes in the movie Jack (Adrien Brody) is in a straight jacket and put in a morgue drawer, while he is still alive! In this review from the New York Daily Newspaper, Jami Bernard writes, "Ironically, Jack's downtime in this coffin environment works for him. Claustrophobic and sweating, he hallucinates — much of the movie is shot to approximate his semi-delirious state of mind — and imagines himself into the future." He goes through many mentally draining things during the entire movie. Bernard also compares his appearance to that to the role he played in "The Pianist." "In "The Pianist," he evaded Nazis in burned-out Warsaw. Now there's "The Jacket," a deliberately disjointed psychological thriller in which he's tortured, shot, shell-shocked, locked in a morgue drawer and, once again, looks short on proper nutrition." Click on the link below to read the entire review.
Match Point
Match Point entails Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and Scarlett Johansson as love interests in the film that closely resembles the novel Crime and Punishment. "The movie stars Chris, a poor boy from Ireland who was on the tennis tour and now works in London as a club pro. He meets rich young Tom, who takes a lesson, likes him, and invites him to attend the opera with his family. During the opera, Tom's sister Chloe looks at Chris once with interest and the second time with desire. Tom's own girlfriend is Nola, an American who hopes to become an actress or Tom's wife. Tom and Chloe are the children of Alec and Eleanor Hewett, who have serious money.
Chloe likes Chris. She wants Chris. Her parents want Chloe to have what she wants. Alec offers Chris a job in "one of my companies" -- always a nice touch, that. Tom likes Nola, but to what degree, and do his parents approve?
All is decided in the fullness of time, and now I am going to become maddeningly vague in order not to spoil the movie's twists and turns, which are ingenious and difficult to anticipate."
The ending portion of Ebert's quote depicts the film's nature perfectly. The film has many unexpected scenes, which allows the audience to stay attentive and excited during the entire movie. The movie depicts two genres we will review in class: the noir and the romance.
I chose this specific review from Roger Ebert because of the format and content in his writing. The film critique is formal, with an educated tone. There are also times when he is sarcastic in the piece. I chose this because it is similar to my writing style with the eloquent word choice and personal touches that are put in the paper.
Just Another Kong Fu Movie
First of all I did not even take the time to see The "The Protecor". Why should I when I hear that it has the same basic plot as "Ong Bak"? I would rather watch "Ong Bak" again then go out and see another version of it. The original movies are always better.
"If the story of Ong Bak was "Hey, you stole my Buddha statue," the story of The Protector is "Hey, you stole my elephants." "
UnLucky # Slevin
"Lucky Number Slevin," on the other hand, goes to some pains to make it clear it is only an exercise in style. Here we are looking at a crime mystery involving warring hoodlums and beautiful neighbors and a confused guy from out of town and a gunman and a cop, and the movie knows we're deluded and they're all just conceits. It's smarter than we are. Well, it must be, because it got us to watch it. -Roger Ebert-
Sure the argument that the movie was made for a sophisticated audience could arise because it seem like Robertr Ebert writes "They think they're more clever than I am, and they may be right, but that doesn't make me like them."
More about the movie at the following link:
Half Nelson
Should people be classified in the bad category just because they do a certain something in their lives that is bad?
This is a question that you have to ask your self when viewing the movie Half Nelson. The movie revolves around a junior high school teacher who is a Crack addict and his students.
" "Half Nelson" isn't one of those "inspirational teacher/mentor" movies -- at least not in any generic or conventional sense. There's no triumph, no breakthrough, no by-the-numbers victory in test scores or on the basketball court. This movie isn't about those things, but is concerned with an even greater achievement that is generally unacknowledged: how people -- flawed, miserable, frustrated people -- go to work every day and find a way to care about something beyond themselves, despite themselves. "
-Roger Ebert-
Read more on what Roger Ebert has to say about the movie at this link.
Captain Jack Sparrow Has Done it Again
The plot of this movie leaves the audience begging for more. It yanks us around a colorful world that always brings someting new to the table. The story that is continued through this second masterpiece follows a plethra of characters, but focuses mainly on Will Turner and his soon to be wife, Elizabeth Swann and their adventures and mishaps involving everything from epic sea monsters to being thrown in prison. Whatever it is that makes you enjoy a film, this will deliver it. Joe Williams, a post-dispatch fil critic, proclaims "it's buoyed by another high-wire performance from Depp, stoked by imaginative effects and propelled by Verbinski's comedic pacing." I completely agree and recommend that if you have not seen this movie, drop whatever you are doing and see this film.
Link to Joe Williams' comments:
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Donnie Darko
The film is about a boy named Donnie Darko who dreams about a 6-foot tall rabbit who lures Donnie out of his house which results him in avoiding a jet-engine that falls into his home. From there, the rabbit tells Donnie that he is destined to live for a special reason. Donnie is haunted through the days and nights by this six foot rabbit as he is told to do various tasks. However, Donnie doesn't understand why he does these things, but is told that he will soon understand.
The story of the film gets very deep. Emanuel Levy said:
"Audiences at the Sundance festival were confused by the narrative, whose
structure shifts from one time-frame to another, and disoriented by the rapid
changes in tone from the real to the surreal and back. Part of the puzzlement
derives from the movie's ambitions. Unlike most school flicks, Donnie Darko is
not about scoring or getting laid. Instead, it deals with metaphysical concerns,
like the inner workings of the universe, challenging notions about time-travel.
In short, unabashedly, Donnie Darko aims higher than most youth pictures."
Even though Donnie Darko is about five years old, it is still a must see for those who have not already.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Important reminder from Prof Bushnell
While we're on the subject of Ebert's XXX review, I'm linking it below, in case anyone wants to use it as their model.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Maria Full of Grace
" extraordinary experience for any reasons including, oddly, its willingness to be ordinary. We see everyday life here, plausible motives, convincing decisions, and characters who live at ground level."
Click on the link below to read more about the movie, characters, and what else Ebert thought.
The Comedy with a Life Lesson
He goes on to give it only two out of four stars. To go into more depth and to see how Ebert defends his viewpoint click on the link.
"Remember Remember the Fifth of November."
“The film shows liberalism rising up against fascism; Moore's vision offered anarchy as a counter to fascism. On the big screen, V for Vendetta says "We can take the system back!" On the page, the suggestion is that there's nothing in the system worth having.”
This was taken from this website which spews both similarities and differences to the comic book and the Wachowski Brothers “The Matrix.”
The review is great for those who enjoyed the movie, and for those who may not have fully understood the movie.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Here is a site that talks about how the idea for the movie came around, and also there a whole big section that explains the whole movie and talk about everything in detail. I have also seen this movie and I consider it to be an excellent film.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Will the real secret agent please stand up?
Have you ever wanted to become a secret agent or even had a dream that you were one? Well, here’s your chance to learn the reality of being a true secret agent.
“What guy hasn't actually wondered what it would be like to be a spy? Cruising around foreign countries, experiencing great adventures, hooking up with hot exotic babes, and, at the same time, helping out your country.”
Mr. and Mrs. Smith page
At the site, you can check out the movie trailer, read about the movie, the characters, view photos, wallpapers, and more. Hope you all enjoy this site.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Posting links now even easier
Now, all you need to do is plug the URL you want to link to into that field, and Blogger will make the link and add it to the end of the post for you automatically. It'll look like the one at the end of this post. (That one will lead you to a Q+A page about how to make posts to Blogger, if you have any questions about that.)